The World Agency of Planetary Monitoring and Earthquake Risk Reduction (WAPMERR) in cooperation with Informap software development department and the Institute of computational mathematics and mathematical geophysics SB RAS developed the Integrated Tsunami Research and Information System (ITRIS) for the purposes of reducing risk due to natural and man-maid hazards and for rescue planning after disasters.
These goals are achieved by advancing methods of real-time modeling
and loss assessment, by estimating the extent of future disasters in scenario
mode, by calculating of risks, by characterizing the nature of the building
stock in cities at risk, and through monitoring by satellite images.
Basic functions of ITRIS:
The global-area coverage;
The full three-dimensionality and manipulation with 3D models of buildings;
The possibility for the Earth surface zooming at any point;
The digital cartographic base design with the use of satellite images, digital; elevation and bathymetry models;
The possibility for manipulation with the point, raster and vector data layers;
The availability of data analyzing and processing plug-ins;
The software for numerical modeling of geophysical processes and phenomena;
The software for loss assessment from natural and man-made hazards;
The database management system intended for visualization and handling of historical data for hazards.
Ключевые слова:
Natural hazards, 3D GIS, numerical modeling, loss assessment, historical data collection, source determination.