Distance-regular graph with intersection array $\{204,175,48,1;1,12,175,204\}$
is $AT4(4,6,5)$-graph. Antipodal quotient $\bar \Gamma$ is strongly regular with parameters $(800,204,28,60)$
and nonprincipal eigenvalues $4,-36$. Constituents of $\bar \Gamma$ are strongly regular with parameters
$(204,28,2,4)$ and $(595,144,18,40)$, the second neighborhhood of vertex in $\Gamma$ is
distance-regular graph with intersection array $\{144,125,32,1;1,8,125,144\}$. In this paper
automorphisms of strongly regalar graphs with parameters $(204,28,2,4)$, $(595,144,18,40)$ and
distance-regular graph with intersection array $\{144,125,32,1;1,8,125,144\}$ are investigated.