In this paper by using exact formulas for multiplicities of eigenvalues it is
founded new infinite serie intersection arrays of $Q$-polynomial Shilla graph with
$b_2 = c_2$. Intersection array of $Q$-polynomial Shilla graph $\Gamma$ with $b_2=c_2$ is
$\{2rt(2r+1),(2r-1)(2rt+t+1),r(r+t);1,r(r+t),t(4r^2-1)\}$ and for any vertex $u\in \Gamma$
the subgraph $\Gamma_3(u)$ is an antipodal distance-regular graph with the intersection array
In case $t=2r^2-1$ the intersection array is feasible and in case $t=r(2lr-(l+1))$
the intersection array is feasible only if $(l,r)\in \{(1,2),(2,1),(4,1),(6,1)\}$.