Эта публикация цитируется в
5 статьях
Exact $\mathrm{M}$-Theory Solutions, Integrable Systems, and Superalgebras
Eric D'Hoker Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA
In this paper, an overview is presented of the recent construction of fully back-reacted half-BPS solutions in
$11$-dimensional supergravity which correspond to near-horizon geometries of
$\mathrm{M2}$ branes ending on, or intersecting with,
$\mathrm{M5}$ and
$\mathrm{M5'}$ branes along a self-dual string. These solutions have space-time manifold
${\rm AdS}_3 \times S^3 \times S^3$ warped over a Riemann surface
$\Sigma$, and are invariant under the exceptional Lie superalgebra
$D(2,1;\gamma) \oplus D(2,1;\gamma)$, where
$\gamma $ is a real continuous parameter and
$|\gamma|$ is governed by the ratio of the number of
$\mathrm{M5}$ and
$\mathrm{M5'}$ branes. The construction proceeds by mapping the reduced BPS equations onto an integrable field theory on
$\Sigma$ which is of the Liouville sine-Gordon type. Families of regular solutions are distinguished by the sign of
$\gamma$, and include a two-parameter Janus solution for
$\gamma >0$, and self-dual strings on
$\mathrm{M5}$ as well as asymptotically
${\rm AdS}_4/{\mathbb Z}_2$ solutions for
$\gamma <0$.
Ключевые слова:
$\mathrm{M}$-theory; branes; supersymmetry; superalgebras; integrable systems.
MSC: 81Q60;
17B80 Поступила: 5 января 2015 г.; в окончательном варианте
3 апреля 2015 г.; опубликована
11 апреля 2015 г.
Язык публикации: английский