The fast basin of an attractor of an iterated function system (IFS) is the set of points in the domain of the IFS whose orbits under the associated semigroup intersect the attractor. Fast basins can have non-integer dimension and comprise a class of deterministic fractal sets. The relationship between the basin and the fast basin of a point-fibred attractor is analyzed. To better understand the topology and geometry of fast basins, and because of analogies with analytic continuation, branched fractal manifolds are introduced. A branched fractal manifold is a metric space constructed from the extended code space of a point-fibred attractor, by identifying some addresses. Typically, a branched fractal manifold is a union of a nondenumerable collection of nonhomeomorphic objects, isometric copies of generalized fractal blowups of the attractor.
Ключевые слова:
iterated function system; fast basins; fractal continuation; fractal manifold.