We give a complete classification of analytic equivalence of germs of parametric families of systems of complex linear differential equations unfolding a generic resonant singularity of Poincaré rank 1 in dimension $n = 2$ whose leading matrix is a Jordan bloc. The moduli space of analytic equivalence classes is described in terms of a tuple of formal invariants and a single analytic invariant obtained from the trace of monodromy, and analytic normal forms are given. We also explain the underlying phenomena of confluence of two simple singularities and of a turning point, the associated Stokes geometry, and the change of order of Borel summability of formal solutions in dependence on a complex parameter.
Ключевые слова:
linear differential equations, confluence of singularities, Stokes phenomenon, monodromy, analytic classification, moduli space, biconfluent hypergeometric equation.