Let $\big(M,g^{TM}\big)$ be a noncompact complete spin Riemannian manifold of even dimension $n$, with $k^{TM}$ denote the associated scalar curvature. Let $f\colon M\rightarrow S^{n}(1)$ be a smooth area decreasing map, which is locally constant near infinity and of nonzero degree. We show that if $k^{TM}\geq n(n-1)$ on the support of ${\rm d}f$, then $ \inf \big(k^{TM}\big)<0$. This answers a question of Gromov. We use a simple deformation of the Dirac operator to prove the result. The odd dimensional analogue is also presented.
Ключевые слова:
scalar curvature, spin manifold, area decreasing map.