For each Dynkin diagram $D$, we define a “cluster configuration space” ${\mathcal{M}}_D$ and a partial compactification ${\widetilde {\mathcal{M}}}_D$. For $D = A_{n-3}$, we have ${\mathcal{M}}_{A_{n-3}} = {\mathcal{M}}_{0,n}$, the configuration space of $n$ points on ${\mathbb P}^1$, and the partial compactification ${\widetilde {\mathcal{M}}}_{A_{n-3}}$ was studied in this case by Brown. The space ${\widetilde {\mathcal{M}}}_D$ is a smooth affine algebraic variety with a stratification in bijection with the faces of the Chapoton–Fomin–Zelevinsky generalized associahedron. The regular functions on ${\widetilde {\mathcal{M}}}_D$ are generated by coordinates $u_\gamma$, in bijection with the cluster variables of type $D$, and the relations are described completely in terms of the compatibility degree function of the cluster algebra. As an application, we define and study cluster algebra analogues of tree-level open string amplitudes.