Полная версия
ЖУРНАЛЫ // Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications // Архив

SIGMA, 2023, том 19, 106, 28 стр. (Mi sigma2001)

Эта публикация цитируется в 1 статье

Manifolds of Lie-Group-Valued Cocycles and Discrete Cohomology

Alexandru Chirvasitu, Jun Peng

Department of Mathematics, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 14260-2900, USA

Аннотация: Consider a compact group $G$ acting on a real or complex Banach Lie group $U$, by automorphisms in the relevant category, and leaving a central subgroup $K\le U$ invariant. We define the spaces ${}_KZ^n(G,U)$ of $K$-relative continuous cocycles as those maps ${G^n\to U}$ whose coboundary is a $K$-valued $(n+1)$-cocycle; this applies to possibly non-abelian $U$, in which case $n=1$. We show that the ${}_KZ^n(G,U)$ are analytic submanifolds of the spaces $C(G^n,U)$ of continuous maps $G^n\to U$ and that they decompose as disjoint unions of fiber bundles over manifolds of $K$-valued cocycles. Applications include: (a) the fact that ${Z^n(G,U)\subset C(G^n,U)}$ is an analytic submanifold and its orbits under the adjoint of the group of $U$-valued $(n-1)$-cochains are open; (b) hence the cohomology spaces $H^n(G,U)$ are discrete; (c) for unital $C^*$-algebras $A$ and $B$ with $A$ finite-dimensional the space of morphisms $A\to B$ is an analytic manifold and nearby morphisms are conjugate under the unitary group $U(B)$; (d) the same goes for $A$ and $B$ Banach, with $A$ finite-dimensional and semisimple; (e) and for spaces of projective representations of compact groups in arbitrary $C^*$ algebras (the last recovering a result of Martin's).

Ключевые слова: Banach Lie group, Lie algebra, group cohomology, cocycle, coboundary, infinite-dimensional manifold, immersion, analytic, $C^*$-algebra, unitary group, Banach algebra, semisimple, Jacobson radical.

MSC: 22E65, 17B65, 58B25, 22E41, 57N35, 46L05, 16H05, 16D60, 16K20

Поступила: 18 июня 2023 г.; в окончательном варианте 1 декабря 2023 г.; опубликована 24 декабря 2023 г.

Язык публикации: английский

DOI: 10.3842/SIGMA.2023.106

ArXiv: 2211.11429

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