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ЖУРНАЛЫ // Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications // Архив

SIGMA, 2024, том 20, 037, 19 стр. (Mi sigma2039)

Compatible Poisson Brackets Associated with Elliptic Curves in $G(2,5)$

Nikita Markaryana, Alexander Polishchukbc

a Université de Strasbourg, France
b National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia
c Department of Mathematics, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403, USA

Аннотация: We prove that a pair of Feigin–Odesskii Poisson brackets on ${\mathbb P}^4$ associated with elliptic curves given as linear sections of the Grassmannian $G(2,5)$ are compatible if and only if this pair of elliptic curves is contained in a del Pezzo surface obtained as a linear section of $G(2,5)$.

Ключевые слова: Poisson bracket, bi-Hamiltonian structure, elliptic curve, triple Massey products.

MSC: 14H52, 53D17

Поступила: 5 декабря 2023 г.; в окончательном варианте 27 апреля 2024 г.; опубликована 7 мая 2024 г.

Язык публикации: английский

DOI: 10.3842/SIGMA.2024.037

ArXiv: 2310.18759

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