We review the main result of cond-mat/0503564. The Hamiltonian of the XXZ spin chain and the transfer matrix of the six-vertex model has the $sl_2$ loop algebra symmetry if the $q$ parameter is given by a root of unity, $q_0^{2N}=1$, for an integer $N$. We discuss the dimensions of the degenerate eigenspace generated by a regular Bethe state in some sectors, rigorously as follows: We show that every regular Bethe ansatz eigenvector in the sectors is a highest weight vector and derive the highest weight $\bar d_k^{\pm}$, which leads to evaluation parameters $a_j$. If the evaluation parameters are distinct, we obtain the dimensions of the highest weight representation generated by the regular Bethe state.
Ключевые слова:
loop algebra; the six-vertex model; roots of unity representations of quantum groups; Drinfeld polynomial.