We show that the (semi-infinite) Ablowitz–Ladik (AL) hierarchy admits a centerless Virasoro
algebra of master symmetries in the sense of Fuchssteiner [Progr. Theoret. Phys.70 (1983), 1508–1522].
An explicit expression for these symmetries is given in terms of a slight generalization of the Cantero,
Moral and Velázquez (CMV) matrices [Linear Algebra Appl.362 (2003), 29–56] and their
action on the tau-functions of the hierarchy is described.
The use of the CMV matrices turns out to be crucial for obtaining a Lax pair representation of the master
The AL hierarchy seems to be the first example of an integrable hierarchy which admits a full
centerless Virasoro algebra of master symmetries, in contrast with the Toda lattice and Korteweg–de Vries
hierarchies which possess only “half of” a Virasoro algebra of master symmetries, as explained in Adler
and van Moerbeke [Duke Math. J.80 (1995), 863–911], Damianou [Lett. Math. Phys.20 (1990), 101–112] and Magri and Zubelli [Comm. Math. Phys.141 (1991), 329–351].