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ЖУРНАЛЫ // Theory of Stochastic Processes // Архив

Theory Stoch. Process., 2018, том 23(39), выпуск 2, страницы 75–79 (Mi thsp295)

Modelling of the queuing system with an increasing demand intensity in the empty state

L. A. Votyakova, L. I. Nakonechna

Vinnitsia Mikhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University, Ostrozkogo St., 32, 21000, Vinnitsia, Ukraine

Аннотация: The article is dedicated to formation of the served demand flow restoration function and lost demand flow restoration function when the queuing system operates with an increasing demand intensity in the empty state. The paper shows the relation between the input flow and servicing.

Ключевые слова: Queuing system, Markov chain, transition probabilities, exponent distribution.

MSC: 60J20

Язык публикации: английский

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