Полная версия
ЖУРНАЛЫ // Труды Математического института имени В. А. Стеклова // Архив

Тр. МИАН СССР, 1975, том 136, страницы 333–350 (Mi tm2657)

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Ultraviolet asymptotics of propagators and higher Green functions

D. V. Shirkov


Аннотация: The problem of ultraviolet asymptotic behaviour in quantum field theory is considered by renormalization group method. Functional group equations for higher Green functions are solved by Ovsiannikov method.
It is shown that power behaviour for propagators and scaling-type expressions for higher Green functions can be obtained for finite as well as for some class of infinite coupling constant renormalization.
Библ. – 10 назв.

УДК: 530.145.1

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