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ЖУРНАЛЫ // Теория вероятностей и ее применения // Архив

Теория вероятн. и ее примен., 2018, том 63, выпуск 3, страницы 482–499 (Mi tvp5119)

Эта публикация цитируется в 4 статьях

$K$-differenced vector random fields

R. Alsultan, Ch. Ma

Department of Mathematics, Statistics, and Physics, Wichita State University, Wichita, KS, USA

Аннотация: A thin-tailed vector random field, referred to as a $K$-differenced vector random field, is introduced. Its finite-dimensional densities are the differences of two Bessel functions of second order, whenever they exist, and its finite-dimensional characteristic functions have simple closed forms as the differences of two power functions or logarithm functions. Its finite-dimensional distributions have thin tails, even thinner than those of a Gaussian one, and it reduces to a Linnik or Laplace vector random field in a limiting case. As one of its most valuable properties, a $K$-differenced vector random field is characterized by its mean and covariance matrix functions just like a Gaussian one. Some covariance matrix structures are constructed in this paper for not only the $K$-differenced vector random field, but also for other second-order elliptically contoured vector random fields. Properties of the multivariate $K$-differenced distribution are also studied.

Ключевые слова: covariance matrix function, cross covariance, direct covariance, elliptically contoured random field, Gaussian random field, $K$-differenced distribution, spherically invariant random field, stationary, variogram.

Поступила в редакцию: 10.01.2017
Исправленный вариант: 26.05.2017
Принята в печать: 06.03.2018

Язык публикации: английский

DOI: 10.4213/tvp5119

 Англоязычная версия: Theory of Probability and its Applications, 2019, 63:3, 393–407

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