Полная версия
ЖУРНАЛЫ // Теплофизика высоких температур // Архив

ТВТ, 2020, том 58, выпуск 2, страницы 284–291 (Mi tvt10938)

Эта публикация цитируется в 2 статьях

Статьи, опубликованные в английской версии журнала
Тепломассообмен и физическая газодинамика

Unsteady magnetohydrodynamic flow with heat and mass transfer between two parallel walls under variable magnetic field

W. Abbasa, M. M. Magdyb, K. M. Abdelgaberb, M. A. Abdeenc

a Basic and Applied Science Department, College of Engineering and Technology, Arab Academy for Science, Technology, and Maritime Transport, Cairo, Egypt
b Physics and Engineering Mathematics Department, Faculty of Engineering-Mattaria, Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt
c Department of Engineering Mathematics and Physics, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt

Аннотация: This paper presents a semi-analytical solution using homotopy perturbation method of magnetohydrodynamic unsteady flow of fluids between two inclined parallel permeable walls with the consideration of heat and mass transfer. The flow is subjected to variable magnetic field normal to the walls. The solution for the governing nonlinear partial differential equations coupled with equations of motion, concentration, and energy equation including the viscous and Joule dissipations is adopted. The effect of Prandtl and Eckart numbers, Reynolds magnetic number, Schmidt and Grashof numbers, and modified Grashof number, and magnetic field strength on velocity, temperature, concentration, and induced magnetic field are discussed. Results are represented graphically for the considered problem.

Поступила в редакцию: 02.04.2018
Исправленный вариант: 02.04.2018
Принята в печать: 05.06.2018

Язык публикации: английский

 Англоязычная версия: High Temperature, 2020, 58:2, 284–291

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