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ЖУРНАЛЫ // Ural Mathematical Journal // Архив

Ural Math. J., 2015, том 1, выпуск 1, страницы 61–67 (Mi umj6)

Эта публикация цитируется в 2 статьях

On the completeness properties of the $C$-compact-open topology on $C(X)$

Alexander V. Osipovab

a N.N. Krasovskii Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Ekaterinburg, Russia
b Ural Federal University, Ekaterinburg, Russia

Аннотация: This is a study of the completeness properties of the space $C_{rc}(X)$ of continuous real-valued functions on a Tychonoff space $X$, where the function space has the $C$-compact-open topology. Investigate the properties such as completely metrizable, Čech-complete, pseudocomplete and almost Čech-complete.

Ключевые слова: $C$-compact-open topology, Set-open topology, Čech-complete, Baire space, Function space.

Язык публикации: английский

DOI: 10.15826/umj.2015.1.006

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