Let $a_1, \ldots, a_s$ be integers and $N$ be a positive integer. Korobov (1959) and Hlawka (1962) proposed to use the points $$ x^{(k)} = (\{a_1 k/N\}, \ldots, \{a_1 k/N\}), k=1,\ldots, N, $$ as nodes of multidimensional quadrature formulae. We obtain some new probability estimates related to discrepancy of the sequence $K_N(a)=\{x^{(1)},\ldots, x^{(N)}\}$ and error of Korobov's number-theoretical quadrature formulas.
Keywords:uniform distribution, discrepancy from the uniform distribution, Korobov-Hlawka sequences, Korobov grids, number-theoretical quadrature formulas.