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11 papers
Research Papers
Even Fibonacci numbers: the binary additive problem, the distribution over progressions, and the spectrum
V. G. Zhuravlev Vladimir State Pedagogical University
The representations
$\overrightarrow{N}_1+\overrightarrow{N}_2=D$ of a natural number
$D$ as the sum of two even-Fibonacci numbers
$\overrightarrow{N}_i=F_1 \circ N_i$, where
$\circ$ is the circular Fibonacci multiplication, are considered. For the number
$s(D)$ of solutions, the asymptotic formula
$s(D)=c(D)D+r(D)$ is proved; here
$c(D)$ is a continuous, piecewise linear function and the remainder
$r(D)$ satisfies the inequality
|r(D)|\leq 5+\Bigl(\frac{1}{\ln 1/\tau}+\frac{1}{\ln 2}\Bigr)\ln D,
$\tau$ is the golden section.
The problem concerning the distribution of even-Fibonacci numbers
$\overrightarrow{N}$ over arithmetic progressions
$\overrightarrow{N}\equiv r\;\mathrm{mod}\;d$ is also studied. Let
$l_{F_1}(d,r,X)$ be the number of
$0 \leq N \leq X$, satisfying the above congruence. Then the asymptotic formula
l_{F_1}(d,r,X)=\frac{X}{d}+c(d)\ln X
is true, where
$c(d)=O(d\ln d)$ and the constant in
$O$ does not depend on
$r$. In particular, this formula implies the uniformity of the distribution of the even-Fibonacci numbers over
progressions for all differences
$d=O(\frac{X^{1/2}}{\ln X})$.
The set
$\overrightarrow{\mathbb{Z}}$ of even-Fibonacci numbers is an integral modification of the well-known one-dimensional Fibonacci quasilattice
$\mathcal{F}$. Like
$\mathcal{F}$, the set
$\overrightarrow{\mathbb{Z}}$ is a quasilattice, but it is not a model set. However, it is shown that the spectra
$\Lambda_{\mathcal{F}}$ and
$\Lambda_{\overrightarrow{\mathbb{Z}}}$ coincide up to a scale factor
$\nu=1+\tau^2$, and an explicit formula is obtained for the structural amplitudes
$f_{\overrightarrow{\mathbb{Z}}}(\lambda)$, where
$\lambda=a+b \tau$ lies in the spectrum:
f_{\overrightarrow{\mathbb{Z}}}(\lambda)=\frac{\sin(\pi b\tau)}{\pi b\tau}\exp(-3\pi i\;b\tau).
Even-Fibonacci numbers, Fibonacci quasilattices, Fibonacci circular multiplication, Diophantine equations, spectrum.
MSC: 06A11 Received: 05.06.2007