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JOURNALS // Algebra and Discrete Mathematics // Archive

Algebra Discrete Math., 2012 Volume 13, Issue 2, Pages 139–146 (Mi adm71)


$S$-Embedded subgroups in finite groups

A. Ballester-Bolinchesa, J. C. Beidlemanb, A. D. Feldmanc, H. Heinekend, M. F. Raglande

a Departament d'Àlgebra, Universitat de València; Dr. Moliner, 50; 46100, Burjassot, València, Spain
b Department of Mathematics, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506-0027, USA
c Department of Mathematics, Franklin & Marshall College, Lancaster, PA 17604-3003, USA
d Institut für Mathematik, Universität Würzburg, Emil-Fischer-Strasse 30, 97074 Würzburg, Germany
e Department of Mathematics, Auburn University Montgomery, P.O. Box 244023, Montgomery, AL 36124-4023 USA

Abstract: In this survey paper several subgroup embedding properties related to permutability are introduced and studied.

Keywords: finite groups, permutability, $S$-permutability, seminormality, semipermutability.

MSC: 20D05, 20D10, 20F16

Received: 02.04.2012
Revised: 19.05.2012

Language: English

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