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JOURNALS // Algebra i logika // Archive

Algebra Logika, 2001 Volume 40, Number 5, Pages 593–618 (Mi al238)

This article is cited in 1 paper

Residual Finiteness for Admissible Inference Rules

V. V. Rybakova, V. R. Kiyatkina, T. Onerb

a Krasnoyarsk State University
b Ege University

Abstract: We look into methods which make it possible to determine whether or not the modal logics under examination are residually finite w. r. t. admissible inference rules. A general condition is specified which states that modal logics over $K4$ are not residually finite w.ṙ.ṫ. admissibility. It is shown that all modal logics $\lambda$ over $K4$ of width strictly more than 2 which have the co-covering property fail to be residually finite w. r. t. admissible inference rules; in particular, such are $K4$, $GL$, $K4.1$, $K4.2$, $S4.1$, $S4.2$, and $GL.2$. It is proved that all logics $\lambda$ over $S4$ of width at most 2, which are not sublogics of three special table logics, possess the property of being residually finite w. r. t. admissibility. A number of open questions are set up.

Keywords: modal logic, residual finiteness for admissible inference rules.

UDC: 510.64

Received: 06.07.1998

 English version:
Algebra and Logic, 2001, 40:5, 334–347

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