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JOURNALS // Algebra i logika // Archive

Algebra Logika, 2008 Volume 47, Number 4, Pages 428–455 (Mi al366)

This article is cited in 5 papers

The class of projective planes is noncomputable

N. T. Kogabaev

Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Abstract: Computable projective planes are investigated. It is stated that a free projective plane of countable rank in some inessential expansion is unbounded. This implies that such a plane has infinite computable dimension. The class of all computable projective planes is proved to be noncomputable (up to computable isomorphism).

Keywords: computable projective plane, free projective plane, computable class of structures, computable dimension of structure.

UDC: 510.5+514.146

Received: 29.10.2007

 English version:
Algebra and Logic, 2008, 47:4, 242–257

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