We deal with computable Boolean algebras having a fixed finite number $\lambda$ of distinguished endomorphisms (briefly, $E_\lambda$-algebras). It is shown that the index set of $E_\lambda$-algebras is $\Pi^0_\2$-complete. It is proved that the class of all computable $E_\lambda$-algebras has a $\Delta^0_3$-computable numbering but does not have a $\Delta^0_2$-computable numbering, up to computable isomorphism. Also for the class of all computable $E_\lambda$-algebras, we explore whether there exist hyperarithmetical Friedberg numberings, up to $\Delta^0_\alpha$-computable isomorphism.
Keywords:computable Boolean algebra with distinguished endomorphisms, computable numbering, Friedberg numbering, index set, isomorphism problem.