A hierarchical network of pulse-coupled spike microoscillators (MOs) capable of randomly responding to an external signal has been studied theoretically and experimentally. The network consists of Antenna units, a Central Pattern Generator (CPG), and a Decision-Making unit (DM). The external signal induces antiphase or in-phase oscillations in the microcells included in the Antenna. The CPG also has these two dynamic modes. What mode to accept for the CPG unit in response to the appearance of a dynamic mode in the Antenna is decided by the DM unit. Owing to its configuration, the DM unit makes this decision randomly. Microspheres with oscillating Belousov–Zhabotinsky reaction are used as MOs. Pulse coupling between the MOs is carried out by beams of light focused on the MOs.
Keywords:spike microoscillator, pulse coupling, network, decision-making, random selection, Belousov–Zhabotinsky reaction.