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JOURNALS // Buletinul Academiei de Ştiinţe a Republicii Moldova. Matematica // Archive

Bul. Acad. Ştiinţe Repub. Mold. Mat., 2015 Number 1, Pages 20–47 (Mi basm383)

$l_p(R)$-equivalence of topological spaces and topological modules

Mitrofan M. Chobana, Radu N. Dumbrăveanub

a Department of Mathematics, Tiraspol State University, MD-2069, Chişinău, Moldova
b Department of Mathematics, Bălţl State University, MD-3121, Bălţi, Moldova

Abstract: Let $R$ be a topological ring and $E$ be a unitary topological $R$-module. Denote by $C_p(X,E)$ the class of all continuous mappings of $X$ into $E$ in the topology of pointwise convergence. The spaces $X$ and $Y$ are called $l_p(E)$-equivalent if the topological $R$-modules $C_p(X,E)$ and $C_p(Y,E)$ are topological isomorphisms. Some conditions under which the topological property $\mathcal P$ is preserved by the $l_p(E)$-equivalence (Theorems 8–11) are given.

Keywords and phrases: function space, topology of pointwise convergence, support, linear homeomorphism, perfect properties, open finite-to-one properties.

MSC: Primary 54C35, 54C10, 54C60; Secondary 13F99, 54C40, 54H13

Received: 09.12.2014

Language: English

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