Martin Davidovich Grindlinger — founder of the algebraic school and his role in the revival of the number-theoretic school in Tula (To the 90th anniversary of the professor Grindlinger M. D.)
This work is dedicated to the ninetieth anniversary of Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Martin Davidovich Grindlinger, the founder of the algebraic school and his role in the revival of the number-theoretic school in the city of Tula. Biographical data, a brief overview of his scientific, pedagogical, organizational and publishing activities are given. Particular attention is paid to the role of M. D. Grindlinger in the revival of the scientific school of number theory at the TSPU L. N. Tolstoy.
Keywords:group, semigroup, algorithmic problems, number theory, number-theoretic method in approximate analysis, lattices, grids, hyperbolic zeta function of lattices, approximation of algebraic numbers.