The main stages of the conception of metallurgy and the formation of the metallurgical industry in the world are disclosed in the article. The locations of large metal-containing wealth at different times and their influence on the division of peoples into metal producers and their consumers are shown. The close relationship between the development of metallurgy and the economy of individual countries as a whole is shown. The development of metallurgy depending on human culture and life at a particular time and at a particular location is explained. The close relationship between the development of the metallurgical industry and military affairs in various countries is illustrated. The stage-by-stage development of metallurgy from private manufactories to large iron ore plants among the major countries producing metals and alloys is considered. The influence of the development and spread of metallurgical processes on the modernization of the economic aspects of the industry is shown. The first developments in the field of alloying alloys, thermal and mechanical processing of finished metal products, as well as the processing of waste from metallurgical production are illustrated. The main factors for determining the optimal location for the construction of metallurgical production are given in the article.
Keywords:history of metallurgy, economics, technological processes of metallurgy, economic development, development of metallurgy.