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2 papers
Absolute ideals of almost completely decomposable abelian groups
E. I. Kompantsevaab,
A. A. Fominb a Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
b Moscow State Pedagogical University
A ring is said to be a ring on an abelian group
$G$, if its additive group coincides with the group
$G$. A subgroup of the group
$G$ is called the absolute ideal of
$G$, if it is an ideal of every ring on the group
$G$. If every ideal of a ring is an absolute ideal of its additive group, then the ring is called the
$AI$-ring. If there exists at least one
$AI$-ring on a group
$G$, then the group
$G$ is called the
$RAI$-group. We consider rings on almost completely decomposable abealian groups (acd-groups) in the present paper.
A torsion free abelian group is an acd-group, if it contains a
completely decomposable subgroup of finite rank and of finite
index. Every acd-group
$G$ contains the regulator
$A$, which is
completely decomposable and fully invariant. The finite quotient
$G/A$ is called the regulator quotient of the group
$G$, the
order of the group
$G/A$ is called the regulator index. If the
regulator quotient of an acd-group is cyclic, then the group is
called the crq-group. If the types of the direct rank-1 summands
of the regulator
$A$ are pairwise incomparable, then the groups
$A$ and
$G$ are called rigid. If all these types are idempotent,
then the group
$G$ is of the ring type.
The main result of the present paper is that every rigid crq-group of the ring type is an
$RAI$-group. Moreover, the principal absolute ideals are completely described for such groups.
$G$ be a rigid crq-group of the ring type. A subgroup
$A$ is the regulator of the group
$G$, the quotient
$G/A=\langle d+A\rangle$ is the regulator quotient and
$n$ is the regulator index. A decomposition
$A=\bigoplus\limits_{\tau\in T(G)}A_\tau$ of the regulator
$A$ into a direct sum of rank-1groups
$A_\tau$ determines the set
$T(G)=T(A)$ of critical types of the groups
$A$ and
$G$. Then for every
$\tau\in T(G)$, there exists an element
$e_\tau\in A_\tau$ such that
$ A=\bigoplus\limits_{\tau\in T(G)} R_\tau e_\tau $, where
$ R_\tau\, (\tau\in T(G))$ is a subring of the field of rational numbers containing the unit.
Moreover, the definition of natural near-isomorphism invariants
$m_\tau \, (\tau\in$ $\in T(G))$ of the group
$G$ naturally implies that every element
$g\in G$ can be written in the divisible hull of the group
in the following way $g=\!\!\!\sum\limits_{\tau\in T(G)}\cfrac{r_\tau}{m_\tau} e_\tau$, where
$r_\tau$ are elements of the ring
$R_\tau$ which are uniquely determined by a fixed decomposition of the regulator
Every description of RAI-groups is based on a description of principal absolute ideals of the groups. The least absolute ideal
$\langle g\rangle_{AI}$ containing an element
$g$ is called the principal absolute ideal generating by
$g$. The following theorem describes principal absolute ideals.
Theorem 1. Let
$G$ be a rigid crq-group of the ring type
with a fixed decomposition of the regulator,
$g=\sum\limits_{\tau\in T(G)}\cfrac{r_\tau}{m_\tau}e_\tau\in G$.
\langle g\rangle_{AI}=\langle
g\rangle+\bigoplus\limits_{\tau\in T(G)}{r_\tau}A_\tau.
Note that the elements
$r_\tau\, (\tau\in T(G))$ in the representation of the element
$g~\in~G$ are determined uniquely up to an invertible factor of
$R_\tau$. Therefore, the representation of the principal absolute ideal doesn't depend on the decomposition of the regulator.
Theorem 2. Every rigid crq-group
$G$ of the ring type is an
$RAI$-group. In this case, for every integer
$\alpha$ ñîprime to
$n$ there exists an
such that the equality $\overline{d}\times \overline{d}=\alpha \overline{d}$ takes place in the quotient ring
$(G/A,\times)$, where
$\overline{d}=d+A,G/A=\langle d\rangle$.
Bibliography: 16 titles.
the ring on an abelian group, almost completely decomposable group, absolute ideal, $RAI$-group.
512.541 Received: 09.11.2015