In this paper we consider the behavior of funcions defined by Dirichlet series with multiplicative
coefficients and with bounded summatory function when approaching the imaginary axis. We show that
the points of the imaginary axis are also the points of continuity in a broad sense of functions
defined by Dirichlet series with multiplicative coefficients which are determined by nonprincipal
generalized characters. This result is particularly interesting in its connection with a solution of
Chudakov hyphotesis, which states that any finite-valued numerical character, which does not
vanish on all prime numbers and has bounded summatory function, is a Dirichlet character.
The proof of the main result in this paper is based on the method of reduction to power series, basic
principles of which were developed by prof. Kuznetsov in the early 1980s. Ths method establishes a
connection between analytical properties of Dirichlet series and boundary properties of the corresponding
power series (i.e. a power series with the same coefficients as the Dirichlet series). This allows to
obtain new results both for the Dirichlet series and for the power series. In our case this method
allowed us to prove the main result using the properties of the power series with multiplicative coefficients
determined by the nonprincipal generalized characters, which also were obtained in this work.
Bibliography: 16 titles.
Keywords:Dirichlet series, summatory function of the coefficients, generalized characters, Dirichlet characters.