This article is dedicated to the memory of the famous Russian and French scientist, a mathematician Michel Deza, who tragically passed away on November 23, 2016, at the age of 77.
The review of the main stages of the professional formation and growth of M. Deza (Mikhail Efimovich Tylkin) in Russia in the 60-70s of the last century is given.
His multilateral international scientific activity has been highlighted since he moved to France in 1973.
The main directions of his fundamental mathematical and applied research with numerous co-authors are analyzed.
A list of the main scientific publications of M. Deza is presented. Short review of the work of Michel Deza as a Russian poet is presented.
This work is devoted to the seventieth Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Vasily Ivanovich Bernik. In her curriculum vitae, a brief analysis of his scientific work and educational and organizational activities. The work included a list of 80 major scientific
works of V. I. Bernik.
Bibliography: 20 titles.
Keywords:Michel Marie Deza. French National Center for Scientific Research (Centre national de la recherche scientifique, CNRS). Higher normal school (Ecole normale superieure, ENS). Discrete Geometry. Graphs. Cuts and metrics. Fullerenes.