The concept of a uniform distribution of integral-valued arithmetic functions in residue
classes modulo $N$ was introduced by I. Niven [3]. For multiplicative functions, the concept of
a weakly uniform distribution modulo $N$, which was introduced by V. Narkevich [6], turned
out to be more convenient. In papers on the distribution in residue classes, we usually give
asymptotic formulas for the number of hits of the values of functions in a particular class
containing only the leading terms, which is explained by the application to the generating
functions of the Tauberian theorem of H. Delange [12], although these generating functions
have better analytical properties, which is necessary for the theorem of H. Delange. In this
paper we consider the distribution of values of the Jordan function $J_2(n)$. For a positive integer
$n$, the value of $J_2(n)$ is the number of pairwise incongruent pairs of integers that are primitive
in modulo $n$. It is proved that $J_2(n)$ is weakly uniformly distributed modulo $N$ if and only if
$N$ is relatively prime to $6$. Moreover, the paper contains an asymptotic formula representing an
asymptotic series, which is achieved by applying Lemma 3, which is a Tauberian theorem type
that replaces the theorem of H. Delange.
Keywords:tauberian theorem, distribution of values, residue classes.