On behavior of arithmetical functions, related to Chebyshev function
S. A. Gritsenkoa,
E. Dezab,
L. V. Varukhinab a Lomonosov Moscow state University
b Moscow Pedagogical State University (Moscow)
Many problems of Number Theory are connected with investigation of
Dirichlet series
$f(s)=\sum_{n=1}^{\infty} a_nn^{-s}$ and the
adding functions $\Phi(x)=\sum_{n\leq x} a_n$ of their coefficients. The most famous Dirichlet series is the
Riemann zeta function $\zeta(s)$, defined for any
$s=\sigma+it$ with
$\Re s=\sigma> 1$ as
$\zeta(s)=\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}\frac{1}{n^s}.$The square of zeta function
$\zeta^{2}(s)=\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}\frac{\tau(n)}{n^s}, \,\,
\Re s > 1,$
is connected with the
divisor function
$\tau (n)=\sum_ { d | n } 1$, giving the number of a positive integer divisors of positive integer number
$n$. The adding function of the Dirichlet series
$\zeta^2(s)$ is the function
$D (x)=\sum_ { n\leq x}\tau(n)$; the questions of the asymptotic behavior of this function are known as
Dirichlet divisor problem.
\zeta^{k}(s)=\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}\frac{\tau_k(n)}{n^s}, \,\,
\Re s > 1,
where function
$\tau_k (n)=\sum_{n=n_1\cdot...\cdot n_k} 1$ gives the number of representations
of a positive integer number
$n$ as a product of
positive integer factors. The adding function of the Dirichlet series
\zeta^k (s)$ is the function
$D_k (x)=\sum_ { n\leq x}\tau_k(n)$; its research is known as the
multidimensional Dirichlet divisor problem.
The logarithmic derivative
$\frac{\zeta^{'}(s)}{\zeta(s)}$ of zeta function can be represented as $\frac{\zeta^{'}(s)}{\zeta(s)}=-\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}
$\Re s >1.$
$\Lambda(n)$ is the
Mangoldt function, defined as
$\Lambda(n)=\log p$, if
$n=p^{k}$ for a prime number
$p$ and a positive integer number
$k$, and as
$\Lambda(n)=0$, otherwise.
So, the
Chebyshev function
$\psi(x)=\sum_{n\leq x}\Lambda(n)$
is the adding function of the coefficients of the Dirichlet series
$\sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \frac{\Lambda(n)}{n^s}$, corresponding to logarithmic derivative
$\frac{\zeta^{'}(s)}{\zeta(s)}$ of zeta function.
It is well-known in analytic Number Theory and is closely connected with many important number-theoretical problems, for example, with
asymptotic law of distribution of prime numbers.
In particular, the following representation of
$\psi(x)$ is very useful in many applications:
$\psi(x)=x-\sum_{|\Im \rho|\leq
$ where
$n \in\mathbb{N}$,
$2\leq T \leq x$,
$\rho=\beta+i\gamma$ are
non-trivial zeros of zeta function,
i.e., the zeros of
$\zeta(s)$, belonging to the
critical strip $0< \Re s<1$.
We obtain similar representations over non-trivial zeros
of zeta function for an arithmetic function, relative to the Chebyshev function:
$\psi_{1}(x)=\sum_{n\leq x}(x-n)\Lambda(n).$
In fact, we prove the following theorem:
$\psi_1(x)=\frac{x^2}{2}-\left(\frac{\zeta^{'}(0)}{\zeta(0)}\right)x-\sum_{|\Im \rho|\leq
T}\frac{x^{\rho+1}}{\rho(\rho+1)}+O\left(\frac{x^{2}}{T^2}\ln^2 x\right)+O\left(\sqrt{x}\ln^2x\right),
$ where
$T \geq 2$,
$\rho=\beta+i\gamma$ are
non-trivial zeros of zeta function,
i.e., the zeros of
$\zeta(s)$, belonging to the
critical strip $0< \Re s<1$.
arithmetical functions, Dirichlet series, adding function of the coefficients of a Dirichlet series, the Riemann zeta function, the Chebyshev function, non-trivial zeros of the Riemann zeta function, Cauchy's residue theorem.
517 Received: 16.10.2019
Accepted: 12.11.2019