In [11], the authors considered the realization $T$ of
$SO(2,2)$-representation in a space of homogeneous functions on
$2\times4$-matrices. In this sequel, we aim to
compute matrix
elements of the identical operator $T(e)$ and representation
operator $T(g)$ for an appropriate $g$ with respect to the mixed
basis related to two different bases in the $SO(2,2)$-carrier
space and evaluate some improper integrals involving a product of
Bessel-Clifford and Whittaker functions. The obtained result can
be rewritten in terms of Hankel-Clifford integral transforms and
their analogue. The first and the second Hankel-Clifford
transforms introduced by Hayek and Pérez–Robayna, respectively,
play an important role in the theory of fractional order
differential operators (see, e.g., [6, 8]). The similar
result have been derived recently by the authors for the regular
Coulomb function in [12].
Keywords:group $SO(2,2)$, matrix elements of representation, Hankel-Clifford integral transform, Macdonald-Clifford integral transform, Whittaker functions, Bessel-Clifford functions.