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JOURNALS // Chebyshevskii Sbornik // Archive

Chebyshevskii Sb., 2020 Volume 21, Issue 2, Pages 266–274 (Mi cheb908)

About new examples of Serre curves

A. T. Lipkovskia, F. Yu. Popelenskyb

a Faculty of Mathematics, University of Belgrade (Belgrade, Serbia)
b Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of M. V. Lomonosov MSU (Moscow)

Abstract: Abel's theorem claims that the Lemniscate can be divided into $n$ equal arcs by ruler and compass iff $n=2^kp_1\ldots p_m$, where $p_j$ are pairwise distinct Fermat primes. The proof is based on the fact that the lemniscate can be parametrised by rational functions and the arc length is a first type elliptic integral of the parameter. Joseph Alfred Serret proposed a method to describe all such curves in [1]. In papers [1, 2, 3] he found series of such curves and described its important properties. Since then no new examples of curves with rational parametrisation such that arc length is a first type elliptic integral of the parameter are known. In this note we describe new example of such a curve.

Keywords: Serret curve, elliptic integral, algebraic curve.

UDC: 512.772, 517.583

Received: 28.11.2019
Accepted: 11.03.2020

DOI: 10.22405/2226-8383-2018-21-2-266-274

© Steklov Math. Inst. of RAS, 2025