The conductive body is considered in the form of a parallelepiped, at the ends of which small contacts of the same rectangular shape are connected.
The length and the width of these
contacts is equal to the values $\varepsilon $ and $\mu$, considered below as small parameters.
The case of a uniform current density at the contacts is considered.
A physical situation close to it occurs, for example, in the presence of a thin, poorly conductive film on the contact surface.
The potential of the electric current of the sample is modeled with the help of a solution
for the Neumann problem to the Laplace equation in a parallelepiped.
The electrical resistance is calculated as the sum of a double series, singularly
depending on two small parameters $\varepsilon$ and $\mu$.
We consider the case when $\mu=k\varepsilon$,
where $k$ is some constant.
The principal term of the asymptotic expansion of the sum of the given series for $\varepsilon\to0$
corresponds to the contact resistance of a rectangular contact
with the sides $2\varepsilon$ and $2\mu$.
The purpose of this paper is to obtain an explicit expression for this contact resistance.
Keywords:contact resistance, electric potential, boundary value problem, Laplace equation, small parameter, asymptotic expansion.