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JOURNALS // Computational nanotechnology // Archive

Comp. nanotechnol., 2017 Issue 4, Pages 47–52 (Mi cn154)


Electric energy quality evaluation and control instruments

I. V. Belitsyn

Polzunov Altai State Technical University, Barnaul

Abstract: Questions examined the magneto-optical system for determining parameters of a magnetic field to control of quality indicators of electrical energy. The proposed structural scheme of measuring the magnetic field. Considered various physical effects on the basis of which it is possible to measure parameters of a magnetic field. Considered in detail the fiber optic system on the Faraday effect, devoid of the shortcomings of traditional (electromagnetic) measuring systems. In the result of the analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the ways of measuring system design was developed an effective scheme. The importance of a reasonable choice of a primary Converter for the measurement of indicators of quality of electric energy. The final selection of the type of transmitter to create a magneto-optical system defining parameters of the magnetic field based on its accuracy and its cost.

Keywords: energy quality, instrument transformers, electromagnetic compatibility, information-measuring system, measurement accuracy.

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