Is developed technology of receiving a film and ceramic composite with the active micro inclusions on the basis of functional ceramics which are most absorbing energy of sunlight and polyethylene film for heating of hotbeds and greenhouses. Prototypes of three-layer composite films with cascade transformation of solar energy to infrared range of the set spectral area with maxima in the vicinity of lengths of waves of 3.3 and 9.7 microns are made. By natural tests in hothouse and greenhouse farms it is shown that composite films with the maintenance of functional ceramics in 1.0 and 1.5 masses % provide at night positive temperatures 3–7$^{\circ}$C at a negative temperature -(7–10)$^{\circ}$C environments without additional heating.
Keywords:film and ceramic composite, functional ceramics, active components, three-layer composite polyethylene film, heating
of greenhouses and hotbeds, effective transformation of solar energy.