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JOURNALS // Computational nanotechnology // Archive

Comp. nanotechnol., 2020 Volume 7, Issue 3, Pages 57–61 (Mi cn310)


Mathematical modelling of mountain shocks and earthquakes related to volcanism

R. Kh. Rakhimova, M. L. Jalilovb, A. U. Makhsudova

a Institute of Materials Science, SPA “Physics-Sun”, Academy of Science of Uzbekistan
b Fergana branch of the Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad Al-Khorazmiy

Abstract: In article occurrence of earthquakes and mountain blows and their communication by volcanic processes occurring in a kernel is analyzed. Mathematical modeling is resulted, uniting occurring processes in a kernel, occurrence $Ð$-longitudinal shock waves and the $S$-intensity before earthquakes. In the given work it is considered, how by means of mathematical modeling it is possible to create model of occurring events and to untangle communication of seismic signatures of pushes arising from seismic processes. Such method of modeling will allow to create the three dimensional image of earth crust and to show in interaction of tectonic plates as the forces creating and pushing the formed break change in due course. For this purpose it is necessary to enter the seismic given districts that the model corresponded to supervision of how the plate is deformed to and during time, and after earthquake. It will help to draw conclusions on what forces operate on plate border - plates and as it is deformed, handing over the fluctuation information outside and as in things in common one plate dives into a hot viscous cloak of the Earth. In it to a floor the fused layer firm breeds exude and behave in the unexpected image, therefore the understanding of general dynamics of a status of a kernel can help to define communication between pressure along a break before earthquake. The problem of influence of mobile loadings on layers arises from a kernel of the earth a striking power of boiling magma, a surface top a piecewise homogeneous two-layer plate-plate the running wave along a x axis with constant speed $V_0$ normal loading extends. The blows which are starting with a kernel of the Earth from an event volcanism, creating running waves in earth crust it is described by the total formula (17). The mathematical concept of interpretation can be applied to concept of occurring events of a kernel of definition of striking power $P$-waves, intensity $S$-waves and places at forecasting of natural accidents for the Earth.

Keywords: gravity, energy, volcanism, analysis, approximate equation, vibrations, two-layer plate, stress, deformation, equations of oscillation.

Received: 15.07.2020

Language: English

DOI: 10.33693/2313-223X-2020-7-3-57-61

© Steklov Math. Inst. of RAS, 2025