Some mechanisms are considered in the form of analysis of the propagation and origin of charged particles involved in acting forces in energy transfer processes that lead to a highly deformed seismically active state and create the necessary conditions for the occurrence of an earthquake. The results of monitoring the registration of charged particles of radioactive radiation of the earth's crust for the purpose of earthquake forecasting are analyzed. During monitoring, responses to the origin of an event - an earthquake-are observed in the behavior of charged particles, which are located on remote parts of the earth's crust relative to the place where charged particles are registered. In this case, wide horizons of the earth's crust are involved, where tectonic disturbances are developed, covering not only the deep layers of the earth's crust, but also the sections that appear in the upper parts. These tectonic disturbances can be considered as through-current channels that facilitate the transfer of energy from great depths. On the earth's surface, the behavior of charged particles should be considered within the framework of the action of geomagnetic and atmospheric electricity fields. These fields at the earth's surface are a carrier field that provides a special transfer of not only energy and matter. Thus, the propagation of charged particle flows over considerable distances from the epicenter of earthquakes can be caused by the carrier fields of deep change processes.