Program optimization arose as a response to the emergence of high-level programming languages, and includes special techniques and methods used in building compilers to produce sufficiently efficient object code. A combination of these techniques constituted in the past and are now an integral part of so-called optimizing compilers, the purpose of which is to create object code, saving computer resources such as processor time and memory. For modern supercomputers, the requirement to make proper use of hardware features is also added. In this context, issues related to compiler optimization deserve special attention, which may involve adapting the compiler to reduce runtime or object size, or both. In view of the above, the aim of the paper is to analyze the algorithms of the compiler constituents and outline ways to optimize it. The general technology of the compiler is briefly characterized. Particular attention is paid to the main functions of the algorithms, which are implemented at different stages of the compiler's work. The possibilities of using machine learning to optimize compilers are also considered.
Keywords:compiler, program code, optimization, algorithm, analysis, synthesis, machine learning.