The article examines the proposed mechanism of optical tunneling effect, which explains the property of functional ceramics to convert solar energy into pulses in the infrared range. It is suggested that the incident radiation is absorbed by ceramic particles, exciting lattice vibrations known as phonons. As phonons accumulate, they transition to a higher energy state, generating infrared photons. The key role is played by the presence of a rising edge of the radiation pulse, which determines the wavelength of the pulses regardless of the wavelength of the infrared energy carrier. As a result, the infrared energy “tunnels” into mediums that are typically opaque to infrared radiation. This mechanism, based on the vibrational nature of ceramics and the wave properties of radiation, explains the unique ability of functional ceramics to convert energy into pulsed radiation with a specific wavelength. The proposed model has a wide range of applications in various fields, including industry, energy, and agriculture.