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JOURNALS // Computer Optics // Archive

Computer Optics, 2020 Volume 44, Issue 2, Pages 236–243 (Mi co785)

This article is cited in 7 papers


Classification of rare traffic signs

B. V. Faizova, V. I. Shakhuroa, V. V. Sanzharovba, A. S. Konouchineca

a Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
b Gubkin RSU of Oil and Gas
c NRU Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia

Abstract: The paper studies the possibility of using neural networks for the classification of objects that are few or absent at all in the training set. The task is illustrated by the example of classification of rare traffic signs. We consider neural networks trained using a contrastive loss function and its modifications, also we use different methods for generating synthetic samples for classification problems. As a basic method, the indexing of classes using neural network features is used. A comparison is made of classifiers trained with three different types of synthetic samples and their mixtures with real data. We propose a method of classification of rare traffic signs using a neural network discriminator of rare and frequent signs. The experimental evaluation shows that the proposed method allows rare traffic signs to be classified without significant loss of frequent sign classification quality.

Keywords: traffic sign classification, synthetic training samples, neural networks, image recognition, image transforms, neural network compositions.

Received: 22.07.2019
Accepted: 11.10.2019

DOI: 10.18287/2412-6179-CO-601

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