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JOURNALS // Computer Research and Modeling // Archive

Computer Research and Modeling, 2024 Volume 16, Issue 3, Pages 599–614 (Mi crm1180)


Computer model of a perfect-mixing extraction reactor in the format of the component circuits method with non-uniform vector connections

A. Î. Ushakova, T. V. Gandzhab, V. M. Dmitrievc, P. B. Molokova

a Seversk Technological Institute of the National Nuclear University “MEPhI”, 65 Kommunistichesky ave., Seversk, 636036, Russia
b Tomsk Polytechnic University “TPU”, 30 Lenin ave., Tomsk, 634050, Russia
c Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics, 40 Lenin ave., Tomsk, 634050, Russia

Abstract: The features of the component circuits method (MCC) in modeling chemical-technological systems (CTS) are considered, taking into account its practical significance. The software and algorithmic implementation of which is currently a set of computer modeling programs MARS (Modeling and Automatic Research of Systems). MARS allows the development and analysis of mathematical models with specified experimental parameters. Research and calculations were carried out using a specialized software and hardware complex MARS, which allows the development of mathematical models with specified experimental parameters. In the course of this work, the model of a perfect-mixing reactor was developed in the MARS modeling environment taking into account the physicochemical features of the uranium extraction process in the presence of nitric acid and tributyl phosphate. As results, the curves of changes of the concentration of uranium extracted into the organic phase are presented. The possibility of using MCC for the description and analysis of CTS, including extraction processes, has been confirmed. The use of the obtained results is planned to be used in the development of a virtual laboratory, which will include the main apparatus of the chemical industry, as well as complex technical controlled systems (CTŃS) based on them and will allow one to acquire a wide range of professional competencies in working with “digital twins” of real control objects, including gaining initial experience working with the main equipment of the nuclear industry. In addition to the direct applied benefits, it is also assumed that the successful implementation of the domestic complex of computer modeling programs and technologies based on the obtained results will make it possible to find solutions to the problems of organizing national technological sovereignty and import substitution.

Keywords: mathematical modeling, computational experiment, component circuits method, virtual laboratory, extraction, ideal mixing reactor

UDC: 51-37+66.061.35

Received: 15.02.2024
Revised: 08.04.2024
Accepted: 17.04.2024

DOI: 10.20537/2076-7633-2024-16-3-599-614

© Steklov Math. Inst. of RAS, 2024