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JOURNALS // Computer Research and Modeling // Archive

Computer Research and Modeling, 2020 Volume 12, Issue 5, Pages 1191–1205 (Mi crm842)

This article is cited in 1 paper


Interval analysis of vegetation cover dynamics

D. A. Govorkovab, V. P. Novikova, I. G. Solovyevab, V. R. Tsibul'skiia

a Tyumen Scientific Centre SB RAS, 86 Malygina st., Tyumen, 625026, Russia
b Tyumen Industrial University, 38 Volodarskogo st., Tyumen, 625000, Russia

Abstract: In the development of the previously obtained result on modeling the dynamics of vegetation cover, due to variations in the temperature background, a new scheme for the interval analysis of the dynamics of floristic images of formations is presented in the case when the parameter of the response rate of the model of the dynamics of each counting plant species is set by the interval of scatter of its possible values. The detailed description of the functional parameters of macromodels of biodiversity, desired in fundamental research, taking into account the essential reasons for the observed evolutionary processes, may turn out to be a problematic task. The use of more reliable interval estimates of the variability of functional parameters “bypasses” the problem of uncertainty in the primary assessment of the evolution of the phyto-resource potential of the developed controlled territories. The solutions obtained preserve not only a qualitative picture of the dynamics of species diversity, but also give a rigorous, within the framework of the initial assumptions, a quantitative assessment of the degree of presence of each plant species. The practical significance of two-sided estimation schemes based on the construction of equations for the upper and lower boundaries of the trajectories of the scatter of solutions depends on the conditions and measure of proportional correspondence of the intervals of scatter of the initial parameters with the intervals of scatter of solutions. For dynamic systems, the desired proportionality is not always ensured. The given examples demonstrate the acceptable accuracy of interval estimation of evolutionary processes. It is important to note that the constructions of the estimating equations generate vanishing intervals of scatter of solutions for quasi-constant temperature perturbations of the system. In other words, the trajectories of stationary temperature states of the vegetation cover are not roughened by the proposed interval estimation scheme. The rigor of the result of interval estimation of the species composition of the vegetation cover of formations can become a determining factor when choosing a method in the problems of analyzing the dynamics of species diversity and the plant potential of territorial systems of resource-ecological monitoring. The possibilities of the proposed approach are illustrated by geoinformation images of the computational analysis of the dynamics of the vegetation cover of the Yamal Peninsula and by the graphs of the retro-perspective analysis of the floristic variability of the formations of the landscape-lithological group “Upper” based on the data of the summer temperature background of the Salehard weather station from 2010 to 1935. The developed indicators of floristic variability and the given graphs characterize the dynamics of species diversity, both on average and individually in the form of intervals of possible states for each species of plant.

Keywords: biodiversity, dynamics, vegetation cover, formation, interval analysis, solution spread limits, equilibrium state, reaction dynamics.

UDC: 574.5:51-7:62

Received: 12.07.2020
Revised: 24.08.2020
Accepted: 08.09.2020

DOI: 10.20537/2076-7633-2020-12-5-1191-1205

© Steklov Math. Inst. of RAS, 2025