The paper considers a new problem of gas treatment and transportation. The specific feature of this problem is the combination of location and routing processes. The rates of gas extraction in gas fields, as well as the distances both between gas fields and to gas delivery points are known. It is required to place preliminary and complex gas treatment units at the fields and to build a pipeline system at the lowest financial cost so that all extracted gas would be prepared (brought) to a quality of dry purified gas (DOP) and delivered to gas delivery points. We build a mathematical model in terms of mixed integer linear programming was constructed. An approximate hybrid algorithm based on heuristic approaches was developed to solve the problem. The efficiency of the algorithm is confirmed by comparison with exact algorithms of solution implemented in Gurobi, Cplex and Pulp on applied instances with real gas fields. Tab. 5, bibliogr. 14.
Keywords:gas treatment and transportation, local search, greedy algorithm, mixed integer linear programming, NP-hardness.