This article is cited in
1 paper
On the application of the solution of the degenerate nonlinear Burgers equation with a small parameter and the theory of $p$-regularity
B. Medaka,
A. A. Tret'yakovabcd a Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities, Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences, Siedlce, Poland
b Federal Research Center "Computer Science and Control" of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
c System Researche Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland
d Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (National Research University), Dolgoprudny, Moscow Region
The article discusses various modifications of the nonlinear Burgers equation with small parameter and degenerate in solution of the form
F(u,\varepsilon)\equiv u_t=u_{xx}+uu_x+\varepsilon u^2-f(x,t)=0,\qquad (1)
$F\colon \Omega\to C([0,\pi]\times [0,T])$,
$\Omega=C^2([0,\pi]\times[0,T])\mathbb R$ and
$f(x,t)\in C([0,\pi]\times[0,T])$,
$\varphi(x)\in C[0,\pi]$. We will be interested in the most important in applications case of a small parameter
$\varepsilon$ with oscillating initial conditions of the form
$\varphi(x)=k\sin{x}$, where
$k$ – some, generally speaking, constant depending on
$\varepsilon$, and study the question of the existence of a solution in neighborhood of the trivial
$(u*,\varepsilon*)=(0,0)$, which corresponds to
$k=k*=0$ and at what initial under certain conditions on the values of
$k$, it is possible to construct an analytical approximation of this solution for small
$\varepsilon$. We will look for a solution in the traditional way of separation of variables on a subspace of functions of the form
$u(x,t)=v(t)u(x)$, where
$u(x)\in C^2([0,\pi])$. In this case, the problem under consideration is degenerate at the point
$(u*,\varepsilon*)=(0,0)$, since $\operatorname{Im} F'_u(u*,\varepsilon*)\neq Z=C([0,\pi]\times[0,T])$. This follows from the Sturm–Liouville theory. To achieve our goals, we apply the apparatus of
$p$-regularity theory [6, 7, 15, 16] and show that the mapping
$F(u,\varepsilon)$ is
$3$-regular at the point
$(u*,\varepsilon*)=(0,0)$, ò.å.
Presented: Yu. G. EvtushenkoReceived: 02.02.2022
Revised: 27.10.2022
Accepted: 05.05.2023