This article is cited in
1 paper
Polynomials, orthogonal on grids from unit circle and number axis
I. I. Sharapudinovab a Daghestan Scientific Centre of Russian Academy of Sciences, Makhachkala
b Vladikavkaz Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences
In current paper we investigate the asymptotic properties of polynomials, orthogonal on arbitrary (not necessarily uniform) grids from an unit circle or segment
$[-1,1]$. When the grid of nodes $\Omega_N^T=\left\{e^{i\theta_0},e^{i\theta_1},\ldots,e^{i\theta_{N-1}}\right\}$ belongs to the unit circle
$|w|=1$ we consider polynomials
$\varphi_{0,N}(w),\varphi_{1,N}(w),\ldots,$ $\varphi_{N-1,N}(w)$, orthogonal in the following sense:
where $\Delta\sigma_N(\theta_j)=\sigma_N(\theta_{j+1})-\sigma_N(\theta_j),
j=0,\ldots,N-1$. In case, when $\Delta\sigma_N(\theta_j)=h(\theta_j)\Delta\theta_j$, the asymptotic formula for
$\varphi_{n,N}(w)$ is established, which in turn, used for investigation of asymptotic properties of polynomials which are orthogonal on grids from
unit circle, number axis, polynomials orthogonal on grids, asymptotic formulas.
517.538 Received: 25.10.2013
Revised: 15.04.2014
Accepted: 17.04.2014