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JOURNALS // Daghestan Electronic Mathematical Reports // Archive

Daghestan Electronic Mathematical Reports, 2017 Issue 8, Pages 70–92 (Mi demr49)

This article is cited in 3 papers

Overlapping transformations for approximation of continuous functions by means of repeated mean Valle Poussin

I. I. Sharapudinovab

a Daghestan Scientific Centre of Russian Academy of Sciences, Makhachkala
b Vladikavkaz Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Abstract: On the basis of trigonometric sums of Fourier $S_n(f,x)$ and classical means of Valle Poussin
$$ _1V_{n,m}(f,x)= \frac1n\sum_{l=m}^{m+n-1}S_l(f,x) $$
in this paper, repeated mean Valle Poussin is introduced as follows
$$ _2V_{n,m}(f,x)= \frac1n\sum_{k=m}^{m+n-1}{}_1V_{n,k}(f,x), $$

$$ {}_{l+1}V_{n,m}(f,x)= \frac1n\sum_{k=m}^{m+n-1} {}_{l}V_{n,k}(f,x)\quad(l\ge1). $$
On the basis of the mean $_2V_{n,m}(f,x)$ and overlapping transforms, operators that approximate continuous (in general, nonperiodic) functions are constructed and their approximative properties are investigated.

Keywords: the repeated mean Valle Poussin, overlapping transforms, local approximative properties.

UDC: 517.538

Received: 04.12.2017
Revised: 21.12.2017
Accepted: 25.12.2017

DOI: 10.31029/demr.8.8

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