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JOURNALS // Diskretnaya Matematika // Archive

Diskr. Mat., 2019 Volume 31, Issue 1, Pages 21–55 (Mi dm1488)

This article is cited in 3 papers

Large deviations of generalized renewal process

G. A. Bakai, A. V. Shklyaev

Lomonosov Moscow State University

Abstract: Let $(\xi(i),\eta(i))\in\mathbb{R}^{d+1}, 1 \le i < \infty$, be independent identically distributed random vectors, $\eta(i)$ be nonnegative random variables, the vector $(\xi(1),\eta(1))$ satisfy the Cramer condition. On the base of renewal process $N_T = \max\{k:\eta(1)+\ldots+\eta(k)~\le~T\}$ we define the generalized renewal process $Z_T=\sum_{i=1}^{N_T} \xi(i)$. Put $I_{\Delta_T}(x)=\{y\in\mathbb{R}^d\colon x_j\le y_j<x_j+\Delta_T,\; j=1,\ldots,d\}$. We find asymptotic formulas for the probabilities ${\mathbf P}\left(Z_T \in I_{\Delta_T}(x)\right)$ as $\Delta_T\to 0$ and ${\mathbf P}\left(Z_T = x \right)$ in non-lattice and arithmetic cases, respectively, in a wide range of $x$ values, including normal, moderate, and large deviations. The analogous results were obtained for a process with delay in which the distribution of $(\xi(1),\eta(1))$ differs from the distribution on the other steps. Using these results, we prove local limit theorems for processes with regeneration and for additive functionals of finite Markov chains, including normal, moderate, and large deviations.

Keywords: generalized renewal process, Cramer condition, large deviations, local limit theorems, integro-local limit theorems.

UDC: 519.218.4

Received: 01.12.2017
Revised: 24.07.2018

DOI: 10.4213/dm1488

 English version:
Discrete Mathematics and Applications, 2020, 30:4, 215–241

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