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16 papers
A canonical system of generators of a unitary polynomial ideal over a commutative Artinian chain ring
A. A. Nechaev,
D. A. Mikhailov
$R$ be a commutative Artinian chain ring. An ideal
$I$ of the
$\mathcal R _ k=R[x_1,\ldots,x_k]$ is called monic if the quotient ring
$\mathcal R_k \setminus I$ is a finitely generated
$R$-module. For such
ideal a standard basis, called the Canonical Generating System (CGS),
is constructed. This basis inherits some good properties of CGS
of an ideal of
$R[x]$ and the Gröbner basis of a
polynomial ideal over a field. In particular, using
CGS, it is possible to present an algorithm, which is simpler than the
exhaustive search algorithm, for constructing cosets of
$\mathcal R_k$
$I$. The CGS allows us to check whether the quotient ring
$\mathcal R_k\setminus I$ is a free
$R$-module. Moreover, if
$R$ is a finite
ring there is a formula for calculation of
$|\mathcal R_k\setminus I|$ that
depends only on numerical parameters of CGS. Applying CGS, we
create a generating system of a family of
$k$-linear recurring sequences
with characteristic ideal
$I$ and a criterion of existence of a
$k$-linear shift
register with this characteristic ideal.
This research was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, grants
99–01–00941 and 99–01–00382.
512.62 Received: 11.10.2001